Network Storage - A Primer
We all are living in an Information age. We have all our devices connected and even a bigger human network sharing data in the form of ideas, thoughts with each other. We need a place where we can store all this data, access it as and when we want and get rid of it after the purpose is achieved. Traditionally data have been stored on following devices - Hard Disk Drive: A block device comes with every computer out there… Floppy disk: Probably you can see one in a computing museum now a days CD/DVD: More advanced for of floppy; and now becoming obsolete pretty fast USB: A flash device which is handy Now some of the above mentioned devices are not in use these days, other still are! But all these devices have one common drawback; a limited storage space! There comes the Network('ed) Storage; which sits on your network and stores/serves to all your data access needs. Let's dive deeper in this fascinating world of storage systems. Typ...