
Showing posts from 2017

What DevOps mean to QA/Test?

DevOps - as it stands for "Development" + "Operations" is a buzz word these days and everyone is trying to get some insight into it. As exciting it may sound, many in the test department has a common question - "Where do they stand in the whole premise of DevOps?". The question is very valid and it needs to be dissected thoroughly to know what really is there in store for QA engineers. Traditionally QA has been divided into two categories - 1) Manual 2) Automation. While large population of the QA fraternity was involved in manual work initially, many started doing automation in their respective domains. Whether to do manual testing or automation is largely dependent on type of technology being used and other factors such as available skills within the test organisation, budget and most importantly organisational culture; in this case, how well the innovation is promoted. Now going back to our original question; Test Automation certainly has a very ...